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Enhancing Efficiency and Accuracy in Surgery

Digital Transformation in Surgery and Anaesthesia

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Efficient Solutions:  Surgery and Anaesthesia

Multi site surgery

Patient Safety

Manage the surgery across different OT within the health facility

Well defined and integrate controls to ensure Patient safety. Pre and post surgery

End to end monitoring

Assessment and monitoring of Patients pre and post operative stages

Integrated Anaesthesia and Surgery protocols within the EHE

TRIAS Surgery Module is well integrated with the EHR (Electronic Health Record).  The enhanced ability to guide an Anaesthetist and Surgeon to effectively manage each patient for small and complex surgeries. 

Key Features

Pre Op

Allows the pre operative assessment is done in a detailed manner. This provides the Surgeon the best insights during surgery

Intra Op

Easy and simple way to monitor the intake (vitals, drugs, gases, blood and IVF) and output (Urine, blood loose, etc) on a 5min interval. Generate Surgeon report


Ensuring the Post Operative care unit is equipped with all the information from the Surgeon and Anaesthetist to ensure patient stabilisation before transferring to ward 

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